Painting, Sculpture & Design

Kurt Wenner, like a Renaissance master, works across the entire field of art. His skills translate to painting, sculpture, and design as readily as an illusion room or depth-defying 3D art. What underpins all of his work is his love for drawing. One he has the design in place, the images nearly create themselves.

Ideas for his creations come from many sources, such as inspirational stories, myths, legends, religion, literature, music, and theater. Even if the viewer is not familiar with the reference, they can sense that a story exists.

During his career, Wenner has worked on many large-scale projects and enjoys the challenge of transforming everyday spaces into wonderfully memorable ones. Well known for his 3D illusions, he likes to combine painted and sculpted elements to challenge the viewer to know where the art ends and its surroundings begin.

Wenner creates stand-alone paintings and sculptures in addition to themed environments like the library image on the right.