Fun Facts About Kurt Wenner

Fun Facts
The Rocca of Montanara
Work by Antoni Gaudi
  • My family name Wenner is from Upsala, Sweden.
  • When my son was young, I would make him beautiful pancakes with vanilla and chocolate batter.
  • I love to cook.
  • I speak English, Italian, German, and enough Spanish to get by.
  • The famous Italian film director Federico Fellini invited me to work on a film.
  • In the 1990s, an email with photos of my 3D pavement art images went viral and shut down two out of the three largest servers in the USA. Many people had never seen anything like my artwork, and had to verify my images were real and not a hoax.
  • Pope John Paul II signed my creation of The Last Judgment next to the right hand of God. Meeting the sainted Pope is a treasured memory.
  • For years my wife suggested going on a cruise for vacation, and I could not ever imagine liking them. Now, they are a vacation favorite. I’ve found I can discover places I’d like to return to and spend more time, like Barcelona, Spain. I have always been a fan of Antoni Gaudi’s work, and seeing it in person makes me appreciate it even more (posted on the left).
  • Once I read Michael Dibdin’s mystery novel Dead Lagoon, set in Venice, I was hooked and read every book in the Aurelio Zen series.
  • For 18 years, I lived in a fortress built in the year 1,000 in northern Italy.
  • My family cat, Kitty Wenner, was used as the name of a character by our neighbor Sue Grafton in her bestselling book “C” is for Corpse.
  • I have an extensive collection of rarely performed Italian Baroque Operas. I initially learned Italian by reading the libretti (a small book that contains the translated text of the opera).